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Who has what?

Well access is giving out to regulars on #AnOnYmOuS depending on how well the channel knows them.

As you can see below, you know who to be nice too :P~ 

PiCs of the regulars - Click Here  (if ur not there, email ur pic to logix@ecn.net.au with you nick)


Access Level
Circus 500
LoGiX 499
stimps 498
Palin 498
Johno 450
FuZsta 450
Breeze 400
Geko 400
Risky 400
MissL 400
Xavier 400
Prophecy 400
Cooki 400
Area 400
Vixen 400
Whip 400
Haora 400
Dazhel 400
DruiD 400
Panda 400
Drew 400
Apricot 400
ViRGE 400
SuPerTeD 399
Khel 200
Matchkey 200
Danz 200
Sk|tz 200
Ice_Angel 200
Fire 200
Pantic 200
TypoDemon 200
WaRRioR 200
SparOhawk 200
Dante 200
Heff 200
Gallant 200
infi 200
Maroussia 200
Shadow 200

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