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Wot is #AnOnYmOuS I hear you say?

Maybe I dont want to tell you.  Maybe I do.  I spose I better since you prolly came here for a reason.  #AnOnYmOuS is a channel on the Oz.Org I.R.C Network that was registered by sTRykR a long time ago.   The channel has recently been taken over Circus, someone we hope can be trusted.  I.R.C(Internet Relay Chat) is what millions of people connect to everyday, its a form of communication between anyone and everyone all over the world.  Connecting to the right servers and you could be talking to people in America, England, etc.  The Oz.Org is an Australian server, not necessarily meaning that only Aussies are allowed in, thats just where the server to run the network is based.  You can connect to these servers by using a Program called mIRC.  This can be found in many different places (e.g www.mircx.com)  There are many different IRC servers that you can connect too.  The Oz.Org main servers are:- Greenbank.Brisbane.Oz.Org on Port 6667, Southern.Hobart.Oz.Org on Port 7777, Skybytes.Us.Oz.Org on Port 6667, Mpx.Sydney.Oz.Org on Port 6668.

Enough about the mIRC stuff, i was starting to bore MYSELF!

Anyway, #AnOnYmOuS is a never ending growth of people, it has grew a large amount since it first started, it first started off with about 2 regulars, now it has at least 20 regulars, as you can see by the access list....

There are quite a lot of regulars on the channel that I should probably mention to you.... The channel has a channel service which looks after #AnOnYmOuS called Z.  This service controls everything that goes on in a channel, its not a person, its a computer.  People are given a level of access to this bot on certain channels.  Ranging from 0 - 500 (500 being the highest access).  The channel owner has level 500 access and can distribute lower access to users at his/her discretion.

There were quite a lot of people that help me register the channel in the beginning, most of which are long gone and never to be seen on the net again.  There are quite a few that still come on the channel that have been there since registration.  Such as BabEeE, she was there a long time b4 the channel was even thought of, Jonn0 and DruiD, i met them on #holden, where they soon became supporters of the new channel #AnOnYmOuS, both have no lives except the net like me :P~   There are quite a large number of new people to the channel who have become regulars to the channel.  Such as stimps, Circus, Johno, SuPerTeD, Breeze, Cooki, Hem|ok, MissL, Dante, Gallant, Dazhel, Khel and Geko.

Well I spose you want to know who is on this damn channel ?

Guess What?

I aint dewing it on this page, it will take me WAY too long, thats is something for the future!

  Access List

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Webmaster - logix@ecn.net.au

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A while ago I had a couple of parties and #AnOnYmOuS meets!!!


First Party

#AnOnYmOuS Meet



Wicked Disco/Party sound system Hire

$95 per night! (now where else could u get it that cheap?)


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